Rescheduled to Sunday 5/7 due to last week’s weather
We had a great turn out at 211 30th last weekend and the location did not disappoint! There are a ton of great sketches and paintings that were done. Thank you again to our wonderful hosts Rod and David! They have a very special property. This artist could sketch there every week for a year and not run out of things to draw and paint.
This weekend we move a little South in Palm Beach County to Lake Worth Beach. We will do a mini sketch crawl starting at 10:30 in front of Vincent's Bistro (516 Lucerne Ave). The idea is to sketch inside a grid from L Street to the West, Federal Highway to the East, Lucerne to the North and Lake Ave to the South. Inside this 6 square block area there is lots to sketch. at 12:30 we will meet back up at the Cultural Plaza (corner of M and Lucerne to do the Throw-down and see everyone's work.